New Introductions
ABIDE (Alleman 24) 311 E (Composed X Courtney) R-28
Creamy white with light yellow lip petals with nice ruffling and substance. It makes a nice cut flower, every one just the same right down the row. It will hold 8 florets open at once. It is healthy and a good propagator.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
BOUNDLESS (Alleman 24) 355 E (Centerpiece X Patty Gay) R-37
Light ruffled red with a light-yellow throat and a creamy white stripe on the lower petals. It blooms early and is a very good cutter. It will hold 8 florets open at once and increases quite fast.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
CORAL DANCER (Alleman 24) 335 M (Composed X Forever) U-34
This is a bright salmon orange glad with a rose dart in the throat. It will hold 7 open florets open at once and is a good grower.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
DESIGN IN (Alleman 24) 395 EM (AJ-163-Shadow Dancer X Lori B) X Legacy) V-136
A tall growing medium brown on the petal edges with a red-brown blotch on the lip petals and salmon on the upper petals. It holds 8 florets open at once and has very nice cutting stems.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
DEVOTED (Alleman 24) 343 M (Composed X Courtney) S-76
It is a nicely ruffled salmon pink with a light-yellow lip petal. Devoted holds 8 florets open at once and has nice placement.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
LYDIA K (Alleman 24) 463 EM (Legacy X Courtney) T-148
A bright rose pink glad with a light-yellow throat that has nice ruffling and substance. It can easily hold 10 florets open at once and has perfect placement. Lydia K can make a very nice show spike.
L $10.00 M $8.00 S $5.00
ONE STEP 473 M (Fire Dancer X Much Temptation) T-157
Nice ruffled lavender pink with cream lip petals and some cream on the upper petals. This glad will hold 8 florets open at once and is a nice tall grower.
L $6.00 M 4.00 S $ 3.00
SHOWING OFF (Bowen 24) 355 EM (seedling X Tampico) XM-TPO-16
This is a medium red with a white on the lip petals and a red blotch in. It has white flecks in all of the petals. It holds 8 florets open and has a nice spike with nice cutting stems.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
New Introduction Miniatures
FLIRTING (Alleman 24) 213 E (Dashing X L-244) S-2
Flirting is a light yellow with a fine red line in all of the petals except the top one. It will hold 8 florets open at once and had a nice long stem.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00
TEMPTING (Alleman 24) 256 E (Gem Star X 98-184-Lyle Madeson seedling) V-3
A bright darker red with nice ruffling. It will hold 8 florets open at once and has a nice long stem and makes a very nice cut flower.
L $6.00 M $4.00 S $3.00